Fever and Cold are most common among young kids because of higher susceptibility to bacterial and viral infections. However, giving baby medicines for fever and cold inattentively can pose a health risk to young angels. Thus, it is important to be conscious when choosing cold and fever syrup for children. When you search for over-the-counter baby medicines for fever and cold in Pakistan, you will find many fever syrup names for child. Before choosing one on your own, we recommend you to ask the pediatrician first. Moreover, parents should also know the basics about the common cold and baby flu treatment at home. Thus, we have given all basics in this article to help you with the best baby medicines online shopping in Pakistan.
Common symptoms of fever and cold in children:
When a baby gets a cold, it may start with sniffles, a warm forehead, cold sweating, or an upset stomach. The initial symptoms may vary from baby to baby as per their immune susceptibility. However, it usually leads to the following common symptoms.
- Runny nose
- Sneezing
- Sore throat
- Ear pain
- Coughing
- Decrease in appetite
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Consistent fever (more than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit)
If your child gets a couple of these symptoms, you should consider giving the best baby medicines for cold and fever. Now, you must be thinking about what would be the best syrup for cold and cough for a child that relieves these symptoms without causing side effects.

Child fever medicine name
- Acetaminophen: When it comes to the safest baby medicines for fever and cold, you will find Acetaminophen at the top of the list. You may also know this medicine as Paracetamol or Tylenol. They are commonly used to treat fever, mild inflammation, body aches, and other cold symptoms. Acetaminophen or Paracetamol for babies is completely safe to use for reducing fever. However, parents should not give it to babies of age under 12 weeks unless a doctor prescribes it. The reason is that fever in the initial months may show any infection. Otherwise, it is completely safe for babies who get multiple symptoms of cold with fever.
- Ibuprofen: If your baby is 6 months old or above, you can consider giving ibuprofen for the baby’s fever and cold treatment. It is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicine, used to relieve pain, fever, inflammation, common cold, ear pain, etc. This medicine is completely safe for your little angel because of its mild but effective dosage. You can find it online in the form of fever syrup for children. If you are looking for an elder kid, you can also find chewable tablets of ibuprofen for kids and adults.
These two medicines are generally used for fever and cold in babies because it is safe and effective for susceptible and delicate baby.
Which Antibiotic Is Best For Fever In Child?
Antibiotics are only effective to treat bacterial infections. However, cold symptoms are usually caused by viruses. So, there is no such benefit to using antibiotics for colds. If the baby’s fever stays persistent for 2 days and more, you should consult your pediatrician immediately. The stubborn fever may signify any bacterial infection so the doctor will suggest the best antibiotic syrup for child fever. The doctor will also prescribe the right dosage and potency of antibiotic syrup as per the baby’s age and size. Remember to limit the use of antibiotics for babies because they may cause antibiotic-resistant infections due to overuse of antibiotics.
How to reduce fever in children naturally?
Infants and toddlers are super delicate for antibiotics and over-the-counter medicines, so do not consider these drugs unless a doctor tells. Pediatricians also tell to avoid using any baby medicines unless fever goes higher than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or stay more than 2 days. In the initial stages, parents can treat and reduce the fever naturally of a child with some home remedies. Some of these remedies are as below:
- Dress up your child in light clothes to let his body release the heat. If you dress him in multiple layers of clothing, his body will trap the heat and lead to a rise in temperature.
- Make your child drink excessive fluids, such as water, fresh juices, etc., to avoid dehydration during high fever. If a child does not urinate frequently or has a dry mouth, dehydration may be the prime cause.
- Take lukewarm or plain water in a bowl, dip a cotton cloth, and place the cloth on the forehead. Do not use ice-cold water because it may cause the baby to shiver with coldness.
- Do not give a cold bath to the baby to reduce fever because it may cause pneumonia due to coldness.
- Ensure the kids take rest in bed to let the immune system focus on treating the fever and cold.
Tips of Baby cold treatment at home
The symptoms of cold are frustrating and irritating, but they can reduce with some tips. We mention below safe ways to improve the symptoms in kids.
- Kids who suffer a sore throat and dry mouth can lick a few drops of honey to keep the throat moist.
- For congested chest and flu, you can use a menthol chest rub. It makes the mucus loosen up to make kids cough it out. Remember that this tip is not for kids under age 2 years.
- For children aged 2 years and above, you can offer some warm tea or chicken soap to provide a soothing effect. It helps loosen the respiratory secretion to treat cold symptoms.
- For toddlers, you can give steam to help loosen nasal mucus and respiratory mucus for quick relief.
- Use a humidifier in the room to maintain the standard humidity level. It reduces the dryness of the nose and throat to provide physical relief from cold symptoms.
- Kids of age 5 and above can also take lozenges or mint toffees to keep the throat cool and moist.
- You can also use a nasal rubber bulb syringe to suck out the nasal mucus from the baby’s nose. It clears the nasal pathway and lets the baby breathe comfortably with no nasal congestion.
In most cases, cold symptoms take 4 to 7 days, and fever takes 2 to 3 days to get cured. If the symptoms remain for a longer time, you should stop using the home remedies and consult your doctor immediately.